The AnarchyTools Package Manager

The atpm executable uses git to manage external dependencies to packages.

Configuring a external dependency to your project

External dependencies are defined in your build.atpkg file. The syntax is rather simple:

:external-packages [
    :url ""
    :version [ ">=1.0" "<=2.0" ]

You just have to configure the package URL to use and some kind of version specifier.


External packages are placed into their own directory below the external dir on the same level as the build.atpkg. If a dependency has sub-dependencies the external directory of the sub-dependency is symlinked to the toplevel external dir so the complete dependency tree is flattened into one level. This results in a structure like this (provided build.atpkg has dependency dep1 and dep1 has dep2):

pkg root
  +- external
     +- dep1
        -> external -> symlinked to ../external
        +- src
           - dep1.swift
        - build.atpkg
     +- dep2
        +- src
           - dep2.swift
        - build.atpkg
  +- src
     - main.swift
  - build.atpkg
  - build.atlock

The package name is the last part of the git repo url (without the .git suffix if there is one).

You have multiple methods specifying a version:

If all packages are fetched they behave like imported packages and can be referenced like them.

Binary packages

Binary packages are also supported. To use binaries, point the dependency URL to a manifest, like so:

:external-packages [
    :url ""
    :version [ ">=0.1" "<=2.0" ]
    :channels ["osx"]

channels here lists the binary feeds to which you want to subscribe. Each dependency may offer various channels such as stable, beta, osx, linux, etc. Consult your dependency documentation for details on what channels are available for the package.

Ensure the manifest specifies binary feeds:

:name "Example"

:binaries {
    :channels {
        :osx {
            :0.2 {
                :url ""
            :0.1 {
                :url ""

atpm will now download and unpack these tarballs to the external directory as appropriate as part of its normal fetch and update operations.

The version specification

To specify a version you use the :version parameter. This parameter accepts an array of version specification strings. You can use the following operators to specify a version:

For example to define a range of possible versions between 1.0 (inclusive) and 2.0 (exclusive) use :version [">=1.0" "<2.0"].

Versions are just git tags. You may use simple version tags or tags prefixed with a v (like v1.0.1, case insensitive). The package manager does not prefer any kind of versioning scheme (except: the format has to be some kind of x.y.z<suffix>) but it is advisable to use semantic versioning to make it easier for your package users to define which versions to accept.

Attention: The package manager can resolve the exact version to pick when all packages that use a dependency use the version specification. So please use this if you don’t have a important use case for another one. If even one package, that defines the same dependency as another one, and different versioning methods are specified the package manager will exit and force the user of the top-level package to pin a defined commit to be able to build.

The branch specification

If you don’t have a released version for a package yet or want to track a bleeding edge branch of a package (beware of breakage!) you can use the :branch parameter which tracks the specified branch of the git repository.

If you want to have a stable build it is advised to pin a commit in the lock file to be able to pick up work exactly where it worked the last time.

The tag specification

If a package uses another versioning scheme than recognized by the :version parameter you may specify a tag to checkout here. If the tag could be interpreted as a version number don’t use this.

The commit specification

If you’re really desperate you may even specify a SHA commit id to check out, you should probably not use this, better use another method (as seen above) and pin a defined commit in the lock file.

The if-including specification

If a dependency is not required for ordinary build/use of the library (but may be required for testing or certain targets) you can specify an if-including directive which will only download the package if the directive is provided on the command line.

clojure :name "packageName" :external-packages [ { :url "" :version [ ">=1.0" "<=2.0" ] :if-including ["my-special-string"] } ]

Now the package will only be fetched if --include is passed on the command line. Including any of the specified strings will cause the package to be fetched.

When passed on the CLI, include strings are namespaced to the package (e.g. PackageName.string). This is so multiple packages can use a string like test to specify test dependencies.

Command line interface

atpm is command based, these are the currently recognized commands:

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